Wednesday, April 9, 2014



Linden’s Legacy + info re free Kindle access apps
Commentary: Feelings vs. facts
Mostly About Me


Go to and inquire on Linden Swift to view the 6 books he has on Amazon Kindle. Subjects include: a pilgrimage, short stories and more, a mission trip, recipes and more, religion, and a run for the Presidency. Most are priced at 99 cents.

Go to and inquire on Linden Swift to be exposed to any of the 13 songs he composed and sang. Guitar by Peter Smith. Or, you may choose to view Linden’s Presidential announcement. Sadly, he lost.


Linden’s April 7 posting was entitled “Blue Monday: Obamacare.” After posting a few words and a link to an excellent David Limbaugh article, Twitter and Facebook were used to call attention to the posting. Very soon after the Facebook notation was made another person questioned, perhaps in response to the posting, ”why do we get so upset when someone disagrees with us…” The answer is simple and is contained in the title of this posting. When one discounts facts that question their feelings, the results are almost always upsetting. Those presenting the facts are rarely upset. That’s a fact!
Very little sleep for Linden on Monday night. So, Tuesday was a day when I was largely a dead head. I left home before 7:00, went to a store to pick up donuts and sweets and was at the Government Center in Danville about 7:15.
Once again, I was the first in the County to cast my vote in this, the first day of absentee voting. Talked a bit to Laura Herzog, our Election Supervisor, and to Devan Strebing, a reporter for The Flyer Group. Laura gave me a wood and chain wall hanging she had made: BE, NICE, OR, LEAVE were the words on the wooden pieces…looks good! I was not back home long before I was sound asleep in my recliner. In the evening I had a very good meal at the Avon American Legion Post.


The democrats brought you Obamacare: Get even.
Obama, Reid, and Pelosi lead the forces of evil.
Can a non-voter be a good Christian?
Hate crime laws should be overturned.
Baseline budgeting is a taxpayer insult.
Each member of Congress should reduce spending
By $3 billion. Result: no deficit spending.
Many Hoosier voters were fooled by Joe Donnelly.


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