Tuesday, April 26, 2016



Linden’s Legacy: updated 3-1-16
Commentary: updated Mon. thru Fri.
Mostly About Me: updated Mon. thru Fri.
Song Of The Day: updated Mon. thru Fri.
Remember: updated 6-29-15

Linden’s Legacy:

NEW 3-1-16: Link to my Bless A Stranger project #25:

To date 19 of the projects I have backed were successfully funded and 5 failed to meet their goal and received no funding.

Check Linden Swift at amazon.com to view his 3 print books and 7 Kindle E-books. Two of the print books each contain 3 of the Kindle books. Sowing Seeds of Faith is his most recent and is available both as a print book and as an E-book. Please check them out when looking for new reads or gifts.
Check Linden Swift at http://www.youtube.com for music and more.
Taxed Enough Already” is a wonderful name for an organization and, of course, the first letter of each word, taken together spell the word “TEA.” The reason for the forming of the organization was the growing dissatisfaction with the work of our “leaders” in Washington. Ted Cruz, in Linden's opinion, pretty well matches up in belief with the aims of the Tea Party. You may enjoy the article linked below.
Mostly About Me: lswift8@aol.com
Monday started with biscuits and gravy at Chick-fil-A and a trip to pick up mail. I started on trying to catch up on three days accumulation, had an appointment with my surgeon, talked to Brian and was just pretty well wiped out-
Vera Lynn is the featured singer this week.
Today's song: Auf Wiederseh'n Sweetheart.


The democrats brought you Obamacare.
Obama, Reid, and Pelosi lead the forces of evil.
Hate crime laws should be overturned.
Baseline budgeting is a taxpayer insult.
Carly answers questions: Hillary does not.
SCOTUS: undeserving of respect.


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